Web SIMPLE Records Manager
Release Notes Version 4.0.2 9/24/2008
The following fixes and enhancements were implemented in Web Simple Records Manager Version 4.0.2 released on 9/24/2008.
- The Box report has been enhanced. It now has total number of boxes and carriage returns of text are recognized.
- The Box report has new optional parameters for a range of box descriptions and a range of dates received. It also has a new order by true box number.
- The Boxes Eligible for Destruction has been restructured so that there is a page break by department with signatures after each department.
- The box list has a new true box number order feature under set order.
- The file list now includes a display of the ID field.
- In the box information screen in add or edit mode, the pull down for Record Title, lists the record title codes in alphabetical order.
- In the box information screen in add or edit mode, the Add Location button now includes a new check box feature, “Use this Location on Save”.
- In Software Setup, the Company list has a new filter for company name.
- In File Labels, the select criteria, Choose Individual File Labels, has been revamped. You are now presented with filters at the top of the form to build a list of files to print labels for.
- Pre-printing of file labels has been added to the File Labels.
- In Box Labels, the select criteria, Choose Individual Box Labels, has been revamped. You are now presented with filters at the top of the form to build a list of boxes to print labels for.
- The Retentions List has been enhanced with a filter to select Vital Records Only.
- The Retentions List has been modified so that selecting order by Record Title remains when paging through screens.
- Creating files with a box number that is not in Web Simple, now associates those files with the box after the box is added to the system.
- The Administrator user name is now locked. You can change the password for Administrator, but the user name remains fixed.
- Retention reports have been updated so that the orders function properly. The Company report is in order by company first, then record title. The Department report is in order by company, followed by department, and finally record title.
- The portable upload report has been enhanced to include number of successful items and errors.
- Next box number increments when multiple users doing data entry to avoid duplication.